Thursday, May 13, 2010

World's Resources

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The picture shows the ownership of the world resources. This gives a picture of which country has the most resources indirectly.

I had also added in iron ore, which I think is an important resource too. Source:  (2010 data)

Summary by ResourceSummary by Country

  1. Barytes (making drilling mud)
    1. China 31%
    2. India 26.5%
    3. US 13%
  2. Coal
    1. US 28%
    2. Russia 19%
    3. China 14%
    4. Australia/New Zealand 9%
  3. Cobalt (used for rechargable batteries, superalloys)
    1. Congo 48%
    2. Australia 21%
    3. Cuba 14%
  4. Corn
    1. US 42%
    2. China 19%
    3. Brazil 7%
  5. Cotton
    1. China 31%
    2. India  20%
    3. US 16%
  6. Copper
    1. Chile 30%
    2. US 7.5%
    3. Indonesia 7.5%
    4. Peru 6.4%
    5. Poland 6.4%
    6. Maxico 5.8%
    7. China 5.6%
    8. Australia 5.1%

  7.  Diamonds

    1. Russia 23%
    2. Botswana 20%
    3. Congo 17%
    4. Australia 11%
  8. Fluorspar
    1. South Africa 15.4%
    2. Mexico 12%
    3. Russia 12%
    4. China 8.6%
  9. Gold
    1. China 12%
    2. South Africa 11%
    3. Australia 11%
    4. US 10%
    5. Peru 7%
  10. Iron Ore
    1. Russia 18%
    2. Australia 17% 
    3. Brazil 12%
    4. Ukarine 12%
    5. China 9%
    6. India 6%
  11. Natural Gas
    1. Russia 26%
    2. Iran 16%
    3. Qatar 15%
  12. Nickel (making stainless steel)
    1. New Caledonia 14%
    2. Australia 13%
    3. Africa 12%
    4. Canada 10.8%
    5. Philipines 10.7%
    6. Russia 10.5%
    7. Indonesia 9.5%

  13.  Oil

    1. Saudi Arabia 20%
    2. Canada 13%
    3. Iran 10%
    4. Iraq 9%
    5. Kuwait 8%
  14. Platinium
    1. South Africa 75%
  15. Rare Earth
    1. Australia 46%
    2. China ?

  16.  Rice

    1. China 30%
    2. India  22%
    3. Indonesia 9%
    4. Vietnam 6%
  17. Rubber
    1. Thailand 34%
    2. Indonesia 30%
    3. Malaysia 12%
  18. Silver
    1. Peru 17%
    2. Mexico 15%
    3. China 13%
    4. Chile 9%
  19. Soybeans
    1. US 36%
    2. Brazil 28%
    3. Argentina 21%
  20. Uranium
    1. Canada 23%
    2. Australia 21%
    3. Kazakhstan 16%
    4. Russia 8%
    5. Niger 8%
  21. Water
    1. Brazil 19%
    2. Russia 10%
    3. Canada 7%
    4. Indonesia 7%
    5. China 7%
    6. Colombia 5%
  22. Wheat
    1. China 18%
    2. India 12%
    3. US 9%
    4. Russia 8%

  1. Argentina
    1. Soybeans 21% 
  2. Australia
    1. Coal 9% (with New Zealand)
    2. Cobalt 21%
    3. Copper 5.1%
    4. Diamond 11%
    5. Gold 11%
    6. Iron Ore 17%
    7. Nickel 13%
    8. Rare Earth 46%
    9. Uranium 21%
  3. Botswana
    1. Diamond 20%
  4. Brazil
    1. Corn 7%
    2. Iron Ore 12%
    3. Soybeans 28% 
    4. Water 19%
  5. Canada
    1. Nickel 10.8%
    2. Oil 13%
    3. Uranium 23%
    4. Water 7%
  6. Chile
    1. Copper 30%
    2. Silver 9%
  7. China
    1. Barytes 31%
    2. Coal 14%
    3. Corn 19%
    4. Cotton 31%
    5. Fluorspar 8.6%
    6. Gold 12%
    7. Copper 5.6%
    8. Iron Ore 9%
    9. Rare Earth ?
    10. Rice 30%
    11. Silver 13%
    12. Water 7%
    13. Wheat 18%
  8. Colombia
    1. Water 5%
  9. Congo
    1. Cobalt 48%
    2. Diamond 17%
  10. Cuba
    1. Cobalt 14%
  11. India
    1. Barytes 26.5%
    2. Cotton 20%
    3. Iron Ore 6%
    4. Rice 22%
    5. Wheat 12%
  12. Indonesia
    1. Copper 7.5%
    2. Nickel 9.5%
    3. Rice 9%
    4. Rubber 30%
    5. Water 7%
  13. Iran
    1. Natural Gas 16%
    2. Oil 10%
  14. Iraq
    1. Oil 9%
  15. Kazakhstan
    1. Uranium 16%
  16. Kuwait
    1. Oil 8%
  17. Malaysia
    1. Rubber 12%
  18. Mexico
    1. Copper 5.8%
    2. Fluorspar 12%
    3. Silver 15%
  19. New Caledonia
    1. Nickel 14%
  20. Niger
    1. Uranium 8%
  21. Peru
    1. Copper 6.4%
    2. Gold 7%
    3. Silver 17%
  22. Phillipines
    1. Nickel 10.7%
  23. Poland
    1. Copper 6.4%
  24. Qatar
    1. Natural Gas 15%
  25. Russia
    1. Coal 19%
    2. Diamond 23%
    3. Fluorspar 12%
    4. Iron Ore 18%
    5. Natural Gas 26%
    6. Nickel 10.5%
    7. Uranium 8%
    8. Water 10% 
    9. Wheat 8%
  26. Saudi Arabia
    1. Oil 20%
  27. South Africa
    1. Fluorspar 15.4%
    2. Gold 11%
    3. Nickel 12%
    4. Platinium 75%
  28. Thailand
    1. Rubber 34%
  29. Ukarine
    1. Iron Ore 12%
  30. US
    1. Barytes 13%
    2. Coal 28%
    3. Corn 42%
    4. Cotton 16%
    5. Gold 10%
    6. Copper 7.5%
    7. Soybeans 36% 
    8. Wheat 9%
  31. Vietnam
    1. Rice 6%

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