Friday, September 25, 2009

Recommended Books

These books were recommended to me from someone in the finance industry. I had added in a few others that I think are worthwell reading. Those in red are my personal recommendations.

Value Investing
  • The Essays of Warren Buffett, Lawrence Cunningham
  • Buffett, Roger Lowenstein
  • The Intelligent Investor, Graham and Dodd (this I had read)
  • Security Analysis, Graham (this I had read)
  • Pilgrimage to Warren Buffett's Omaha, Jeff Matthews (this I had read)
  • The Snowball, Alice Schroeder
  • Applied Portfolio Management, Catherine Shenoy / Kent McCarthy
  • Common Stocks and Uncommon Profits, Philip Fisher (this I had read)
  • Dear Mr Buffett, Janet M. Tavakoli (this I had read)
  • Invest like a fox not like a hedgehog, Robert C. Carlson (this I had read)
  • Animal Spirits, George A Akerlof, Robert J Shiller (this I had read)
  • More than You Know, Michael Mauboussin (this I had read)
  • Your Money and Your Brain, Jason Zweig (this I had read)

  • A Guide to Asian High Yield Bonds, Schmidt / Harper
  • Way of the Turtle, Curtis Faith (this i had read)
  • Trading for a Living, Alexander Elder
  • Come into my Trading Room, Alexander Elder
  • Mastering The Trade, John Carter
  • Market Wizards & The New Market Wizards, Jack. D. Schwager
  • Volatile Markets Made Easy, Guy Cohen
  • Technical Analysis of the Financial Markets, John J. Murphy
  • Trading In The Zone, Mark Douglas

  • How to Make Money in Stocks, William O’Neill
  • Secrets of Millionaire Investors, Adam Khoo / Conrad Alvin Lim (this i had read)
  • Profit from Panic, Adam Khoo / Conrad Alvin Lim (this i had read)
  • A Primer on money, banking and gold, Peter L. Bernstein (this i had read)
  • Momentum
  • Reminiscence of a Stock Operator, Edward Lefevre (this I had read)
  • Trend Following, Michael Covel
  • Money Masters series, John Train
  • Inside the House of Money, Steven Drobny 
  • This Time Is Different: Eight Centuries of Financial Folly, Carmen Reinhart & Kenneth Rogoff (this I had read)
  • What the dogs saw, Malcolm Gladwell (this I had read)
  • Blink, Malcolm Galdwell (this I had read)
  • Outliers, Malcolm Galdwell (this I had read)
  • Superfreakonomics, Steven Levitt (this I had read)

  • The next 100 years, George Friedman
  • Predictably Irrational
  • The Ascent of Money: A Financial History of the World, Niall Ferguson
  • The Partnership: The Making of Goldman Sachs, Charles Ellis
  • The Big Short: Inside the Doomsday Machine, Michael Lewis
  • Liar's Poker, Michael Lewis
  • Against the Gods: The Remarkable Story of Risk, Peter Bernstain
  • Capital: The Story of Long-term Investment Excellence, Charles Ellis
  • Too Big to Fail, Andrew Sorkin
  • Lords of Finance, Liaquat Ahmed  
  • Say it like a CEO

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