Saturday, May 8, 2010

Keppel Corp

Took the opportunity to initiate another small position in Keppel Corp.

  1. Together with SempCorp, they are the market leaders in the world Offshore and Marine.
  2. Other than Offshore and Marine, Keppel Corp has stakes in the rising property market and growing its infrastructure business as well
  3. It has strong free cash flow since 2001 (did not check earlier than 2001)
  4. Based on the total dividends given in 2009, its dividend yield is over 6% at current stock price
  5. Divident policy: 50-60% PATMI
  6. Owns portion of M1, K1 Ventures, Senoko waste, Tuas Waste, NeWater, K-REITS, Green Trust
Downside risks will be associated with oil and property prices, as well as the global economy situation.

Views are my own. Please do your own due diligence before committing the investment =)

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