Monday, September 14, 2009


Importance of Financial Intelligence

Like many people, I was enticed to stock markets, thinking that I am smart enough to beat the millions of people out there and make tons of money for myself.

How wrong were I.

I traded stocks without understanding their business, with each counter just a number without content to me. Basing my judgement on information FREELY available in forums, rumors, hearsay, newspaper reports, etc.

When the dot com burst, lost $.

When 9/11 happened, lost more $.

Then I started to wonder what is wrong. Am I not smarter? Or am I doing the wrong things.

Started to read more books on investing and trading. Realised the importance of Financial Integellience. Without which, we are merely gamblers. Buy stock, check if it goes up or down. No difference from betting big or small on dices.

My Inclinations

Value Investing. Folks like Warren Buffett are my model.

From value investing, comes conservativeness. I tend to be conservative in my analysis, often taking a pessimistic view to derive the valuation. I'll touch on this in other articles as this blog evolves.

Trading is not my cup of tea, as I don't fit the risk profile of a trader, and I have little time to watch the market.

I'm inclined towards long shot equity, in any markets (not restricting to STI).

Objective of this Blog

In order of most importance to least importance:

  1. To learn from other people, need not be like-minded, as I believe in looking from different perspective.
  2. To share some of my views pertaining to companies and stocks, highlighting certain concepts important to an investor.
  3. To attempt to differentiate between market hype (eg. Stock Analyst Recommendations) and reality.
  4. To see if advert $ is possible. As the amount is likely going to be small even if it is possible, this is not really a key motivator for this blog.


  1. I'm not from the financial industry, so the information I have may be limited and may not be entirely correct. Please do not base your decision solely on the basis of the information posted here. If you need to use the info here, do double check.
  2. My views are my own, and I could have taken positions in the stocks that I may mentioned in any article. So caveat emptor. I will not be responsible for any gains (yep, I don't demand that you give me a treat or anything) or losses.

About Me

As mentioned, I'm not in the financial sector. My interest in stock is to work towards financial freedom. I am currently doing a MBA course to learn more about the finance sector (among other stuff).

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