Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Monetise your garbage. Karang Guni. Rag and Bone

Updates on 14th Jun
Turns out that the companies listed under National Environment Agency either do not collect from residential, or they will charge a fee from $100 to $500 for the disposal.

The online karang guni also collects certain items only.

Found a new source:


Posted on 6th Jun
If you have broken stuff to get rid of, such as broken electronics, there are a few avenues to get some money out of them.

1) National Environment Agency
If you want your unwanted household appliances (e.g. used computers, TV sets) to be collected for reuse/recycling, you may contact one or more of the companies listed at their site here.

2) Online Karang Guni
Check them out here.
24 hours collection service

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