Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Closer look at JP Morgan's picks

jp morgan had got separate picks:

Stock Price PE PB PCF/
Div% PO% QR DE%
olam 3.11 19.1 4.3 14.x/
1.43 24.56 0.72 254.1
first resource 1.53 12.3 2.7 10.43/
1.52 18.17 2.58 45.1
keppel  corp 10.86 13.4 2.8 10.3/
3.6 48.04 0.73 41
china minzhong 1.37 7.0 1.6 8.44/
0 0 16.36 0.7

Note: changed price-free-cashflow to price-cashflow as reuters do not seem to publish pfcf for most of the counters.

China Minzhong warrants a closer look.

Check out Citi's call here:

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